This is so interesting! I admire the transparency and goals. I hope others follow suit so we can see a part of the medical landscape really changed.

Colossians 3:23 and Ephesians 2:10

Work in a way that the creator will be proud of, knowing that you will have to answer before him. Structures may help, but no structure will keep an organization from corrupting like remembering its accountable before the Lord.

David Bahnsen has recently challenged what I thought about work, value, capitalism, and ministry, you may really enjoy his most recent book Full Time Work and the Meaning of Life or the interviews he has done on it.

Keep up the good work and thank you for all of your information!

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Amazing! Praying for you as you navigate these “uncharted waters.” Thank you!

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Excellent. However we are increasingly being assaulted from many angles by different agents and by means of different delivery vehicles. Venoms or spike proteins call them what you will are one example. What worked before simply isn't enough. I think more specific, targeted protocols are needed in addition to the basics. I have had to use nicotine plus zeolite and IV EDTA just to (hopefully) put a brake on the damage. It's diabolical what's happening.

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