Can you grow your eyebrows back?
I've heard the answer is "yes" from more than one person recently...
I was recently on a call and asked someone what benefits she had seen from light therapy.
Her response shocked me. She said, "My eyebrows grew back."
I've used a lot of different tools over the years to try to help people heal from chronic disease.
I have not yet managed to grow someone's eyebrows back. I have heard of this happening with iodine, so I asked her, "were you taking iodine?"
"Yes, but I've been taking iodine forever."
What else could it have been? Angela is already very health-conscious. She hasn't made any other significant changes to her diet or lifestyle in the last year. She has concluded that light therapy is responsible for the regrowth of her eyebrows. Individual results may vary, but if I were struggling with hair loss, I would reach for light therapy immediately.
As if that weren't enough, her low back pain is completely gone as well.
A few more people, just on that one call, piped up and said their eyebrows had regrown as well.
I get testimonials like this every week now. Do you have one for me? Submit it here. Why am I so enthusiastic about light therapy? Testimonials like these.
You can wake up to testimonials like these too.
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More testimonials coming soon.
Until next time, be well,
Dr. Stillman