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Are COVID-19 Vaccines Contributing to Increasing Rates of Disability?

Would you be surprised if the answer were yes?

I think this is timely given the fact that monkey pox vaccines are now coming around. It’s disgusting how these failed pharmaceutical products are being foisted on the public. Most of you probably know this by now, but I made this video to give you some insight into how the data looks from my perspective as a practicing physician.


Unedited transcript below.

Unknown Speaker 0:02

Hello everyone, Dr. Stone here and today we are going to be talking about whether or not COVID-19 vaccines do contribute to increasing rates of disability. We're going to be talking about data from the UK, data from the US published on multiple different blogs. And we're going to talk about why I think the answer is yes. Alright, so do rise in long term sickness, but the timing doesn't fit long. COVID The reason I decided to do this video is the number of people coming to me and saying I have long COVID. Now we have to stop. When we when we think things like I have a long lingering illness that's linked to one thing and ask better questions. You know, I asked people, right, if a tree falls during a hurricane, do you say that the hurricane caused the tree to fall? Technically this is true. Was the tree infested by termites? Was it clawed and scratched by bears? Was it bumped into by a dump truck, because it's near a construction site? Was it struck by lightning? Was it part of an area of the soil where it was undermined by water that's changed course because of human activity or geoengineering? There's a lot more to any illness than I have long COVID, so to speak, or I have chronic Lyme disease. My experience taking care of people who've got long term chronic illness, is that there is some confluence of factors in their life that is perpetually debilitating their system from coming back online. And the way to think about this, because these people get very frustrated, and my heart goes out to them, I have a lot of empathy for these folks, because they've frequently tried so much, they've spent so much money, and it's heartbreaking to me to take care of them when they get to me, because I'm not as famous as a lot of other wellness influencers, who do get them early is that they're so jaded, and jaundice from having been through the system and having had people take advantage of them, that it's really hard to get good results, and sometimes even to get them to move forward with care. But anyway, and before I go on, I'm going to mention this that I am taking on a certain number of pro bono pharmaceutical injured cases at this time. So if you know someone, you can refer them to me through my website, I prefer those people to come from, for example, this substack and other social media channels that I run, okay, so when Pete, one thing that people will do is they'll say, I had epstein barr, and I had it for six months, well, you had, you may be circulating, you know, viral, you know, virions, or whatever, maybe you had positive antibody levels. But that doesn't mean that you had this disease for that period of time. The thing about viruses and viral illnesses is that, you know, for example, astronauts will reactivate viral illness, that doesn't mean that they're sick with epstein barr, they may have absolutely no symptoms whatsoever. This is very well established in the in the aeronautical medicine, literature. So you got to think about all the other things that are causing your body to not clear an infection, or maintain really normal genomic activity. I also asked patients, you know, where did the viruses begin? And where do we end? Viruses are part of our normal genome, they're part of our history here on on planet Earth. That, you know, I'm concerned that by chronically suppressing viral illness, we may actually have very severe long term health implications. You know, for example, if you're constantly suppressing the fevers associated with a virus, you can deplete someone's glutathione, that's uniformly associated with increased aging and more severe disease. Treating people with supplemental glutathione can be absolutely life changing, it's my favorite thing to do. Because people so often feel so much better, but doesn't work for everyone because not all of you have glutathione. And stop just taking it because you've been told to take it anyway. So when we're talking about these long term illnesses that may have been triggered by an acute event, and it could be long code, it could be a far dose of a pharmaceutical that you had an adverse reaction to, you know, I've seen many people over the years with serious neurological or psychiatric psychiatric issues that were triggered by the administration of a neurologically active or psyche, psychiatrically active drug, it could be an exposure to a toxin, like a toxic building that was full of mold or a toxic exposure to chemicals or something like that. This is very well established. And people need to be thinking about that. Because, you know, you start to talk to these people more and more, and you're like, Well, what else was going on in October of that year? And they're like, Well, you know, I just moved into a new building. And yeah, now that you mentioned it, it was kind of moldy smelling. And yeah, you know, I did go home those two would stay with my parents after I'd, you know, I had finished my lease there. And you know, I didn't feel that much better, but I didn't feel as bad as I had. You're like, Well, maybe you had mold in the house and it poisoned you. Right.

Unknown Speaker 4:59

So timings really important. Now, if someone if a virus like COVID causes people to have this long, drawn out illness afterwards at a significant rate, ie long COVID. Right? You would think that the rise in the long COVID would coincide to increases in disability claims with the government. Something I want you guys to know about disability claims is their tuft fake. It's not that there aren't doctors out there who are writing fake disability, letters, waivers, orders, whatever there are, but it's soulless soul sucking work, that if you fall asleep attest to you can lose your medical license over because one of the strategies would be, you know, for onerous morally onerous physicians who are not honoring their, you know, duty to society would be to have a clinic where, where it gets around that you can go there, and Dr. So and so will fill out your back pain paperwork, and you'll be getting a check in the mail from the government in two weeks. If he stacks those patients up every three minutes. He can be making a lot of money basically defrauding Medicare Medicaid, lord knows is a lot of fraud in that system that the government doesn't do anything to try to stop. That's one reason why I think universal health care is such a bad idea. But still, you would expect really significant changes in the populations public health to be reflected in disability rates, which is why I think this is a spot on thing for these guys, various people to be commenting. And indeed, the lean tagline to this is I think, the the crux of the matter, the timing doesn't fit COVID. Okay, so if you look at this, I believe I'm saying this, I'm correct in saying that this is ons Office of National Statistics over in the UK, women economically inactive because of long term illness, you can see that this rise here, February to April, then plateaus, comes back down comes back up November 2022, January 2021. And then this is where peak vaccination is, is happening and is rolling out. This certainly agrees with what I saw in my clinic, where I had multiple patients, saying that they couldn't work post vaccine for some period of time. extrapolate that out from a clinic of just 200 people or so to a population of hundreds of millions who are getting multiple doses, most people who come to see me only got one or two at most, and you've got a very different or a very significant problem that scales. Over this period of time, I have had exactly zero patients who were unvaccinated have any kind of issues with long term COVID and zero patients who had any kind of issues with long term new disability, you know, I have multiple patients with basically being disabled by a vaccine, not necessarily for a long period of time, they didn't necessarily file for disability, but they were clear with me that it prevented them from working. Okay. So men economically inactive because of long term sickness. Again, we see this deer here in April in June, this whole thing with with COVID. I don't think it makes a lot of sense. And then it goes up. But anyway, all right. You see this data from the St. Louis Fed, Jessica got this, I think from Elgato. Mallow, who's substack I love I love Jessica is too, especially the color three nice. You see this massive spike in the St. Louis Federal Reserve data on long COVID. And are this rise in disability which coincides with the administration of these vaccines. And there's lots of different ways to express this data on the disability reports to various and other, you know, tracking things, right. But some of these are really

Unknown Speaker 8:46

very stark, I like the ones from Guatemala, where he looks at these numbers in terms of the number of adverse events for COVID, compared to all other years of heirs. This is a massive increase. And it would make sense that the disability is due to the vaccine, not due to the COVID itself. The population is obviously being gaslit and told that it's not the vaccines, it's the COVID and that the vaccine protects you from this. I think that's complete nonsense. That's why I still think COVID vaccines are not safe and not effective. So as always, thank you all for subscribing to the substack. I encourage you all to go premium. There's lots and lots of great content that I'm generating to answer your questions and help you understand how to eat how to live, what supplements to take, that's going to be behind the paywall, as well. The book club is moving behind the paywall. If you want to know more about the book club, go check out the live streams that I did on testosterone and the second book club was on oxygen under pressure. Those were streamed to YouTube and Facebook to get an idea of what the book clubs like. I'm going to be having those book clubs twice a month, and I'm going to be covering different books are obviously in different topics that are going to be really helpful and really important for your health and wellness. I'm going to be keeping the majority of them behind the paywall going forward, because a lot of the information is very controversial, and it's cost me a lot of time and effort to collate it behind. You know, my, with my education, as well as the proceeds from my affiliate marketing and my substack go towards taking on pro bono cases, which I love to do for people who have been pharmaceutical injured or who've been injured as first responders or US veterans. As always, thank you for watching. Hope you guys are having a great day. Take care

Transcribed by

Dr. Stillman Uncensored
Leland Stillman, MD