Over my 20 years in natural medicine and 10 years in clinical practice, I've seen countless people succeed and fail in their health and wellness goals. After working with thousands of patients, I've identified the top two reasons people fail.
They are:
Failure to execute
Failure to engage
What do I mean by engagement and execution?
Engagement means spending time with coaches, accountability partners, and anyone else you're sharing the journey with.
Execution means doing the work - daily habit changes, exercises, supplements, lab testing, and more.
A close third to execution and engagement is sheer overwhelm - making unsustainable changes that inevitably lead you to fall off the wagon.
To counter these three problems, I've created a 14-day reset that anyone can execute and sustain. It's enough to get you quick progress, without being overwhelming and unsustainable. The reset consists of clear actions that anyone can take on a daily basis.
But that's not enough. We still need to build in engagement, specifically accountability.
How many of you have started a diet, workout plan, or supplement regimen with the best of intentions, only to bail within weeks or even days of starting? We've all been there (if you haven't, just wait, your time will come).
That's why, in addition to making this actionable (execution) and simple (sustainable), I've built in accountability (engagement).
Let me share the seven habits that make Dr. Stillman’s 14-Day Reset different. Jim Laird brought many of these habits to my practice, and you’ll recognize some of them from our Five Fundamentals, which we published a few years ago.
The seven habits of Dr. Stillman’s 14-Day Reset are:
Start your day by putting on your X39 patch
Send three texts to encourage, inspire, or compliment someone
Take three ten minute walks
Drink 64 ounces of spring water each day
Eat a protein, root vegetable, green vegetable, and nut or seed at each meal
Make your surroundings as dark as possible at sundown
Go to bed by 9:30 pm at the latest
Here are the benefits patients generally report to me when they start these habits in combination:
More energy
Better sleep
Better, more stable mood
Faster metabolism
Fewer cravings
A more positive outlook on life
Faster recovery
I’ll be sharing more about this program in the coming weeks, and we’ll be kicking off the reset on January 1st.
If you’d like to join the group and get access to accountability to our exclusive team Telegram channel, join my team by purchasing X39 patches from myself or one of my team members. If someone shared this post with you, check in with them to see if they’re already on my team and, if they are, sign up with them to become a member of our team.
As I wrote about in a recent post, I’m going all-in on building my LifeWave team in 2025.
This Reset is exclusively for members of my team.
Join today to get access to all of this in 2025:
Weekly live training calls where you'll learn directly from myself, my team manager, Kathleen Horstmeyer, and my other team leaders
Special focus on building your own health and wellness business
In-person training opportunities (first one planned for March 2025)
Access to a community of like-minded health practitioners
Direct mentorship in applying these principles
Exclusive access to our team Telegram chat, where I participate daily
Kick off 2025 with my 14-Day Reset program and accountability group on Telegram
To get started:
You can purchase X39 patches here
Send this to someone you’d like to share the journey with
If you’re reading this and someone shared it with you, they might be on my team, and they want to sponsor you as a customer for LifeWave. Please honor their time and attention by enrolling under them. This isn’t about building my personal LifeWave business, this is about building a team of people dedicated to excellence in their own health and the health of others.
Join my team today! I’m excited to teach everything I’ve learned in the last 20 years of study to my team members in 2025. We’re going places - we would love to have you come with us.
Until next time, be well,
Dr. Stillman
P.S. You'll need your X39 patches to participate in the Reset starting January 1st, and they’ll take a few days to ship, so order ASAP.